Xls to csv with ascii encoding using python

I admit I am a newbie to all this python scripting so any help would be great.
My script works fine for non-ascii xls files but fails converting to csv at the point where it encounters ascii coding ie accented letters in names resulting in a smaller “clipped” csv file.
I’ve tried adding ascii encoding tags at various point but it fails to output a valid csv (no records).
Hopefully can show me where to tag it correctly to get it working.
Thanks for your help.

'#! /usr/bin/env python

import xlrd
import csv

book = xlrd.open_workbook(‘/Users/admin/Documents/PythonScripts/an_excel_file.xls’)

'# Assuming the fist sheet is of interest
sheet = book.sheet_by_index(0)

‘# Many options here to control how quotes are handled, etc.
csvWriter = csv.writer(open(’/Users/admin/Documents/PythonScripts/a_csv_file.csv’, ‘w’), delimiter=‘,’)

for i in range(sheet.nrows):