Xampp installation

I need to install xampp in my computer running windows 10 64 bit and I have Kaspersky antivirus installed. I needed to download xampp 64 but what I get is xampp 32, therefore I decided to download xampp 32 and install it,but I have failed to install because of the following errors.

  1. When I run xampp it dispalays the message saying it seems you have an antivirus running, this may slow down or interfere the installation, if I click yes to continue then I get another message
  2. Important! because an Activated User Account Control (UAC) on your system some functions of Xampp are possibly restricted. With UAC please avoid to install XAMPP to C:\Program files(x86)(missing write permissions). Or deactivate UAC with msconfig after this setup, then when I proceed I get the final message saying.
  3. The selected folder is not empty. Please select a different folder.
    Therefore I cannot install.
    Please help.
    Kind Regards,

Where are you trying to install it to - generally it will install fine if you let it create its own xampp folder on the C: drive and install itself there. It will not install if the folder you are trying to insyall into already exists and it will not function at all if you install it into the ‘program files’ folder.

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With respect to your first point, I found that Kaspersky sometimes would interfere with my installing of software and i would have to turn it off temporarily to get past the roadblock.

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