Would putting a phone number in my ad text get my adwords account suspended?

Someone in the company wrote some adwords ad text which included the company phone number. Turns out this is a policy violation so we’ll change it. But a PPC guy I know says that if we didn’t change it we’d get the account suspended. Is there any truth in this?

I would have thought that the ad would get disapproved and maybe if we kept doing naughty things we might get suspended, rather than “you will get your account suspended for doing this”. Sounds like scaremongering to me (he was vying for our business).

In order to add a phone number to your ads you can add a “call extension” - here you go:

I’m aware of call extensions (and that they’re why Google don’t want you to put your phone number in the ad), but I wanted to know if there was any truth in the claim that violating this policy would definitely lead to account suspension.

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