WordPress with WooCommerce or Shopify

Hey all. I have an exciting prospect come my way.

The client is seeking a very content-based website, which relies on SEO… So WordPress is my choice for that. Also I’ve got the knowledge to build custom WP themes for a variety of needs.

However, in future they say they would like their website to include an online shop… And Shopify is my choice for that. I can happily set up a Shopify website with a pre-made themes. However, I have no experience with developing custom themes, or building a content-driven website. I’ll be learning the theme framework as I go, and thus slow the project down.

So, I can quite happily and confidently build a custom WordPress website that is fit for their needs. I’m consider doing that, and then later installing WooCommerce…

However, I think building the website entirely on Shopify CMS would be good to serve the e-commerce side of the business. It would also be good for me to learn.

Should I go ahead with WordPress as I’m more experienced with the dev environment? And can confidently design/code a theme to fit their needs?

Or do I dare challenge myself with developing a custom Shopify theme?

Also, bearing in mind that a WordPress/WooCommerce website is going to be more expensive to run… I will want to set them up with an automatic backup and maintenance plan, which potentially costs more than the Shopify subscription fee.

Theming with WP isn’t too hard, and you can embed Shopify on external sites these days, so perhaps that’s the way to go?

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