WordPress Website Load time increase

I have designed a WordPress website through elementor pro. But the load time of the website is not good enough. Can you please give me some suggestions to increase the loading speed?

Welcome to the forums, @graphicsexpert6.

How did you test the loading speed? If you use a tool such as https://developers.google.com/speed/pagespeed/insights/, it will analyse the site for you and give you guidance on what you need to do, and how.

Thank you. I don’t know much about image optimization. My websites score is 29

That seems rather strange, given your username. smile

There are plenty of online resources and tutorials which can help you. Just search for “image optimization”.

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I have registered through gmail. Username added automatically. Thank you @TechnoBear

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One area I see people make mistakes is by not optimizing images. Check over your image sizes. If your uploading 1, 2, 5MB images this will surely cause a slow page load. You may also want to look into plugins like Autoptimize and WP Super Cache which should help lower your load times.

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You can use wp rocket plugin for wordpress speed optimization. For image optimization you can use ewww image optimizer plugin or shortpixel plugin.

Rather than use yet another plug-in you would do better to optimise your images before uploading them. :wink:


Please put images that are compressed and uninstall unrelated plugins to increase website loading speed.