I have question about how to optimize wordpress post using the all in one SEO plugin. If the meta keywords are not important any more-as many SEO experts say- then how can i optimize my post for specific keywords? How people will find my post or website if meta keywords are not important!
Please if you use all in one SEO plugin share with me how do you set up your keywords!
Please note that i talk about optimizing per post!
In 2011 it was all about the keywords. However in 2013 it went from being about keywords to being about solutions. Today it’s about finding a passionate group of people that your product or service solves a problem for. This means you have to stop building sites around keywords and niches and start building sites around hungry people with a problem. Target your article towards people and their problems and then your able to drive both people and links to your site from the social media sites.
Target at most one or two keywords per post that fit into the problem the post is talking about.
the meta keywords are ignored by Google up from 2 years now… Other search engine bots still supporting it… this is said… now if you want to optimize your posts you have to set the main keywords inside the content… now the thing is the quality Content… if your post suit this need so be sure it will be indexed much faster than you can imagine… so just keep your website user Friendly!!
Yes the keywords meta tag is not used by Google anymore as a factor in rankings but it is still used by other search engines to the best of my knowledge. Also, there are other fields in the All-in-one plugin for title and meta description. Make sure you use your target keyword at the front of the title tag and toward the front of your meta description. You can still plug in your keyword and its variants into the keyword field however don’t put anything that isn’t closely related to your target keyword.
Focus on meta title and tag H1, meta description is not important much - now plays of marketing role and can encourage internauts to read your post, nothing more.
Place your keywords in meta title and description, use them throughout naturally in your content. It will increase search queries and traffic. will make ranking more easier.
These days, the meta keywords are not only not important, they’re useless. And rightly so. If I were you, I wouldn’t worry about optimising your post for keywords, I’d worry about how much of what you’re writing is relevant to human beings. That’s all that matters.
Bing for example still using it and other small search engines… I Agree in the fact that it’s more suitable now to avoid using the Meta keywords. Google can use it to detect Spam Websites… Yahoo stoped using it since 2009… But i think using this Meta tag the right way won’t hurt the website Rank…