Wordpress problem in title

I am using the following code to display the word Home if its the home page, else the page title for other pages, in my website. However on the home page I dont get the word ‘Home’ output, just blank space and the bloginfo(‘name’) details, what is the problem? Thanks

BDW I have created a page named Home and set wordpress settings to point to this ‘Home’ page as the homepage of my site.


<?php if (is_home()) { echo 'Home'; /*bloginfo('description');*/ ?>

<?php } else { wp_title('',true); ?>

<?php } ?> <?php bloginfo('name'); ?> `

You may want to give this plug in a look: http://www.netconcepts.com/seo-title-tag-plugin/

All plug in is require for wordpress support and wordpress have few limitation with home and home page.


Try using if(is_front_page()) instead of if(is_home())

Alternatively you can use if(is_page(‘Home’)) since you titled that page Home.