Wordpress PHP Coding Problem - Where Are They Passing the Value?

Hi everybody, having an odd problem with one of my plugins.

The plugin is designed to pull in ebay feeds. Here’s one of the functions.

function ebay_feeds_for_wordpress_notecho($dispurl = "", $dispnum = "") {
include_once(ABSPATH . WPINC . '/rss.php');
$link = get_option("ebay-feeds-for-wordpress-link");
if ($dispurl == "")
$dispurl = get_option('ebay-feeds-for-wordpress-default');

if ($dispnum == "")
$dispnum = get_option('ebay-feeds-for-wordpress-default-number');

/* ======================================== */

$display .= "FEED URL: " . $dispurl;
$disprss = fetch_feed($dispurl);

/* ======================================== */

$disprss_items = $disprss->get_items(0, $dispnum);

$display .=  "<div class='ebayfeed'>";
foreach ($disprss_items as $dispitem ) {
$display .= "<h4><a href='".$dispitem->get_permalink()."'>".$dispitem->get_title()."</a></h4>";
$display .= $dispitem->get_description();
$display .= "<br/>Title: " . $dispitem->get_title();
$display .= "</div>";
if ($link == 1)
    $display .= "<a href='http://bloggingdojo.com/wordpress-plugins/ebay-feeds-for-wordpress/'>eBay Feeds for WordPress</a> by <a href='http://www.bloggingdojo.com'>The Blogging Dojo</a><br/><br/>";

return $display;


Now, if $dispurl is empty, then the feed uses the default feed (call it http://www.feed1.com/). However, I am supplying a URL to this code (http://www.feed2.com/). When I run the code I get http://www.feed2.com/ shown in the first line highlighted (between the commented ==='s), yet the feed fetched is http://www.feed1.com/, with incorrect URL’s

I’m completely and utterly confused by it. Any ideas will be greatfully appreciated!

Cheers :slight_smile:


Figured it out chaps.

The feed had an & in it, which was getting parsed as &. As such it was parsing wrong. Fixed now! :slight_smile: