WordPress code error call to thematic_abovecontent()

I’ve copied the exact code (and renamed it to my child theme’s name) from the book’s download but the home page has this error:

Call to undefined function: thematic_abovecontent() in /homepages/38/d93970146/htdocs/winepilgrims-ca/wp-content/themes/pilgrims/home.php on line 13

Why can it not find the thematic_abovecontent() function?


I deleted lines 13 and 47 from home.php.

line 13: <?php thematic_abovecontent(); ?>

line 47: <?php thematic_belowcontent(); ?>

It then worked fine.

My previous problems with the files were
because I had gone to "Settings –> Reading , and checked “Front page displays” – "a static page (select below):

       Front page: about"
       and not setting

       "Posts page:  "

Details! Details!

Hi Charles,

I had the same problem which means we are not alone but I took your suggestion by deleting line 13 in home.php and it has produced a new errer:

Fatal error: Call to undefined function thematic_belowcontent() in /home/seosuch/public_html/wp-content/themes/wicked/home.php on line 47

Can anybody help with this problem? Please…

Thanks :slight_smile:

Thanks Algisk,

I did what you suggested and now it seems to work perfectly! :slight_smile:

I found the problem, and I’ve emailed Sitepoint books about it.

In the Advanced Theme Construction chapter the book says to copy the index.php file and rename it as home.php - the example in the book and the code in the download includes this function call in home.php <?php thematic_abovecontent(); ?> - this function call is not in index.php and there is no function thematic_abovecontent() in the functions.php file so the home page shows a PHP error. If I’m correct this line should be removed from home.php <?php thematic_abovecontent(); ?>.

Thanks algisk, I to was having that same problem and racking my brain trying to figure out what I was doing wrong.