Will you use our product - a Google for Designers?

Hi, we work on smart Artificial Intelligence image search engine for designers, that understand each image on top design sources like Dribbble, Behance, Pinterest, Cargo, Awwwards and many other.

Is it sound good for you? Will you use it for your works?

That sounds interesting, however I don’t think one could judge that without trying it first :slight_smile:

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What does it do? Why is it useful that it understands images and how as a designer does that help my business?

Do you have a prototype? If not your best bet to seeing if people would use it is probably to create a simple landing page with some info and an email form and see if people sign up. Here’s an awesome resource: https://www.sitepoint.com/7-new-ways-to-test-your-minimum-viable-product/

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