Why won't my navigation bar disappear on smaller screens?

I’m pulling my hair out here lol!!!

I cannot get the navigation bar on the following page to disappear on smaller screens:


If you look in desktop, there’s a red navigation bar at the top of the site. I have replaced this with a drop down menu for smaller displays but for some reason I cannot hide this one!

I have used @media statements to set the display to none for everything under 1024px but it’s still there!!!

Here is the code:

Add styles beneath this line that you want to be applied across your entire site */

div.drop {
	display: none;

@media only screen and (min-width: 768px) {

div.drop {
	display: none;


@media only screen and (min-width: 1024px) {

div.drop {
	display: block;


I cannot see why it would still be displaying the div.drop on smaller screens when it’s clearly set to none.

Further down your stylesheet you have desktop-only styles which are overriding the media query.

	/* Main Site Navigation Menu */
	ul#top-nav.nav.fl {
	display: none;

	div.drop {
	display: block;
	.drop_menu {
	display: block;

Does this works

@media only screen and (max-width: 480px) {

div.drop {
display: none;


Why would they be overriding it when that media query is set for a min wider of 1024px? Also there are other elements that are hidden on the smaller screen and those are working as intended.

littlebirdy that would only hide it up to a max width of 480px. Anything above that and it’ll come back again.

Because your nesting isn’t what you think it is.

Enter the content of the CSS file “by direct input” here.


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It makes no difference what you put in your media query if as pointed out by technobear you have the same rule later in the style sheet.

Rules in a media query will be over-ridden by rules of same weight later in the code as per the normal cascade rules.


So why is it working for other elements?

In that same style sheet I have .header-text-container-right set to display “none” in the lower screen sizes and in the desktop media query it is set to “block”. That is working exactly as intended. I use the same technique on the div.drop and it doesn’t work! It makes no sense. That’s the whole point of media queries.

Use the Force Luke jigsaw CSS Validator chru5h


I’ll give it a go and report back here.

It has come back no errors found! Problem still exists.

Ahh I found the culprit. There was a rogue “}” in there ending the 1024px media query prematurely. I have moved it to it’s rightful position and all is working fine now.


Do you use “Inspect” in your browser?
With that you can quickly home in on such problems and see what rule on what line is affecting your css.


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