Why the email is not inserting in the table user?

But I got a new problem
Problem: The email is not inserting in the ‘user’ table and income is not increasing by 100 when I select left, it increase the income of under_user when I select right. Table name:

  • user
  • income
  • pin_list
  • pin_request
  • tree
    File name: join.php
    This is my code:
<?php include('php-includes/connect.php'); include('php-includes/check-login.php'); $userid = $_SESSION['userid']; $capping = 500; ?> <?php //User cliced on join if(isset($_GET['join_user'])){ $side=''; $pin = mysqli_real_escape_string($con,$_GET['pin']); $email = mysqli_real_escape_string($con,$_GET['email']); $mobile = mysqli_real_escape_string($con,$_GET['mobile']); $address = mysqli_real_escape_string($con,$_GET['address']); $account = mysqli_real_escape_string($con,$_GET['account']); $under_userid = mysqli_real_escape_string($con,$_GET['under_userid']); $side = mysqli_real_escape_string($con,$_GET['side']); $password = "123456"; $flag = 0; if($pin!='' && $email!='' && $mobile!='' && $address!='' && $account!='' && $under_userid!='' && $side!=''){ //User filled all the fields. if(pin_check($pin)){ //Pin is ok if(email_check($email)){ //Email is ok if(!email_check($under_userid)){ //Under userid is ok if(side_check($under_userid,$side)){ //Side check $flag=1; } else{ echo ''; } } else{ //check under userid echo ''; } } else{ //check email echo ''; } } else{ //check pin echo ''; } } else{ //check all fields are fill echo ''; } //Now we are heree //It means all the information is correct //Now we will save all the information if($flag==1){ //Insert into User profile $query = mysqli_query($con,"insert into user(`email`,`password`,`mobile`,`address`,`account`,`under_userid`,`side`) values('$email','$password','$mobile','$address','$account','$under_userid','$side')"); //Insert into Tree //So that later on we can view tree. $query = mysqli_query($con,"insert into tree(`userid`) values('$email')"); //Insert to side $query = mysqli_query($con,"update tree set `$side`='$email' where userid='$under_userid'"); //Update pin status to close $query = mysqli_query($con,"update pin_list set status='close' where pin='$pin'"); //Inset into Icome $query = mysqli_query($con,"insert into income (`userid`) values('$email')"); echo mysqli_error($con); //This is the main part to join a user\ //If you will do any mistake here. Then the site will not work. //Update count and Income. $temp_under_userid = $under_userid; $temp_side_count = $side.'count'; //leftcount or rightcount $temp_side = $side; $total_count=1; $i=1; while($total_count>0){ $i; $q = mysqli_query($con,"select * from tree where userid='$temp_under_userid'"); $r = mysqli_fetch_array($q); $current_temp_side_count = $r[$temp_side_count]+1; $temp_under_userid; $temp_side_count; mysqli_query($con,"update tree set `$temp_side_count`=$current_temp_side_count where userid='$temp_under_userid'"); //income if($temp_under_userid!=""){ $income_data = income($temp_under_userid); //check capping //$income_data['day_bal']; if($income_data['day_bal']<$capping){ $tree_data = tree($temp_under_userid); //check leftplusright //$tree_data['leftcount']; //$tree_data['rightcount']; //$leftplusright; $temp_left_count = $tree_data['leftcount']; $temp_right_count = $tree_data['rightcount']; //Both left and right side should at least 1 user if($temp_left_count>0 && $temp_right_count>0){ if($temp_side=='left'){ $temp_left_count; $temp_right_count; if($temp_left_count<=$temp_right_count){ $new_day_bal = $income_data['day_bal']+100; $new_current_bal = $income_data['current_bal']+100; $new_total_bal = $income_data['total_bal']+100; //update income mysqli_query($con,"update income set day_bal='$new_day_bal', current_bal='$new_current_bal', total_bal='$new_total_bal' where userid='$temp_under_userid' limit 1"); } } else{ if($temp_right_count<=$temp_left_count){ $new_day_bal = $income_data['day_bal']+100; $new_current_bal = $income_data['current_bal']+100; $new_total_bal = $income_data['total_bal']+100; $temp_under_userid; //update income if(mysqli_query($con,"update income set day_bal='$new_day_bal', current_bal='$new_current_bal', total_bal='$new_total_bal' where userid='$temp_under_userid'")){ } } } }//Both left and right side should at least 1 user } //change under_userid $next_under_userid = getUnderId($temp_under_userid); $temp_side = getUnderIdPlace($temp_under_userid); $temp_side_count = $temp_side.'count'; $temp_under_userid = $next_under_userid; $i++; } //Chaeck for the last user if($temp_under_userid==""){ $total_count=0; } }//Loop

echo mysqli_error($con);
echo ‘’;

<?php //functions function pin_check($pin){ global $con,$userid; $query =mysqli_query($con,"select * from pin_list where pin='$pin' and userid='$userid' and status='open'"); if(mysqli_num_rows($query)>0){ return true; } else{ return false; } } function email_check($email){ global $con; $query =mysqli_query($con,"select * from user where email='$email'"); if(mysqli_num_rows($query)>0){ return false; } else{ return true; } } function side_check($email,$side){ global $con; $query =mysqli_query($con,"select * from tree where userid='$email'"); $result = mysqli_fetch_array($query); $side_value = $result[$side]; if($side_value==''){ return true; } else{ return false; } } function income($userid){ global $con; $data = array(); $query = mysqli_query($con,"select * from income where userid='$userid'"); $result = mysqli_fetch_array($query); $data['day_bal'] = $result['day_bal']; $data['current_bal'] = $result['current_bal']; $data['total_bal'] = $result['total_bal']; return $data; } function tree($userid){ global $con; $data = array(); $query = mysqli_query($con,"select * from tree where userid='$userid'"); $result = mysqli_fetch_array($query); $data['left'] = $result['left']; $data['right'] = $result['right']; $data['leftcount'] = $result['leftcount']; $data['rightcount'] = $result['rightcount']; return $data; } function getUnderId($userid){ global $con; $query = mysqli_query($con,"select * from user where email='$userid'"); $result = mysqli_fetch_array($query); return $result['under_userid']; } function getUnderIdPlace($userid){ global $con; $query = mysqli_query($con,"select * from user where email='$userid'"); $result = mysqli_fetch_array($query); return $result['under_userid']; } ?>

Please help me

so what’s the result of mysql_error() on the specific query?

It’s a long code use GitHub gist to show code, you can var_dum insert queries to check whether the email is coming in query or not.

this is the screenshot:

After I select side left or right and click on join.

what does the request look like? (check your dev tools for that)

Print your $query, copy it go to your mysql editor (or phpmyadmin) and run that query. You should get the correct error.
Else use try and catch.

That only works if mysqli/PDO are in exception mode, which is not the default.

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