Why the difference between webpagetest and Insight?

Someone knows why are this big difference between the metrics of webpagetest.org and pagespeed.web.dev of www.agustipardo.es?


And with www.fotov60.com theres no difference in performance



Someone knows why this difference of metrics between webs if the plugins installed to optimize are the same? (Litespeed Cache and Apcu)

On agustipardo.es, the difference in load times when using different speed test tools might be because the website has a slider on the main page. Sliders can affect how quickly a page loads.

In contrast, fotov60. com is a simpler website, and that’s why there’s not much difference in the speed test results.

The speed test tools give metrics based on how they are programmed. So, for example, one tool might give a good score for “cumulative shift,” while another tool might give it less importance. It’s normal for the results to vary between tools.

It’s a good idea to manually check your site’s speed, too, because it depends on various factors, including the user’s internet speed. If your site loads quickly when you access it, that’s a good sign.

For troubleshooting errors with your site structure, I recommend using tools like GTmetrix and Google Page Insight, but it’s best to rely on just one speed testing tool for consistent results.

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