Why my website with X template is not optimized for mobile according to Google?


My web is www.mueveteon.com. I see it perfectly on my mobile but when I go to

I have this message that is not mobile optimized…the X template is responsive, so I do not know what is going wrong there

Did you have a similar issue?

Thanks in advance for your help


If you use pagespeed insights it gives you the reason why https://developers.google.com/speed/pagespeed/insights/?utm_source=MFT&utm_campaign=MFT&utm_medium=incoming-link&priorityGroup=USABILITY&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.mueveteon.com%2F&tab=mobile

You have something that isn’t resizing properly 'The page content is 3,388 CSS pixels wide ’ and there are some links that are too close together.


The errors it gives are

Content wider than screen

Which is confusing because I don’t see any horizontal scroll bars in RWD view 320px.

Links too close together

Which is probably the social icons at the top.
It also took quite a long time and gave this warning:-

A temporary error occurred. 17 resources on this page could not be
loaded. The results and screenshot may be incorrect. You may want to try
again later.

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