Why is the navigation menu bar glitching on the ipad on the other pages?

On the private & policy page, the navigation menu glitches and expands the whole screen when you scroll down. It is fine on the index page. Can anyone explain what’s going on?


To me the nav seems better in that page than in the index. In the index page you have a horizontal scroll bar, caused by fixed widths.

I don’t see a horizontal scroll bar. Can you elaborate? The index page is pretty much the same code from the index page. Or is it not? Cna you please point out the difference if any?

I still need to figure out why the navbar is expanding on the privacy and policy page and not on the index page on the ipad.

I only see it when the browser is maximised on the index page. I don’t see any problem on the other page. But I’m not using an ipad to view it.

Yes I can see it on the ipad and removing the sticky.js fixes the problem but unfortunately I can’t work out the exact cause.

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