Why is my Bottom scrollbar going longer than usual (already FIXED)

My Bottom scrollbar going longer than usual when there is no content on the other side who can help here is an image and the link to the website (not live).


Welcome to the forums, @Codeman.

We need to see your code, rather than just an image, to see what is causing the issue. Do you have a link to a live page?

yes here it is https://helpsaveme.glitch.me/home.html#

Hi there

I suggest your first step would be to validate your code https://validator.w3.org/nu/?doc=https%3A%2F%2Fhelpsaveme.glitch.me%2Fhome.html and fix the errors.

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Sorry, but I did not find the problem maybe I can let you look at my code and invite you there?


The scrollbar seems caused by the massive relative left position set on the “Lorem Ipsum” header.

In order to center the header you could try text-align: center; instead of the left positioning.


THANKS, A LOT!!! Erik_J :grinning: I found the error when I looked at the

“Lorem Ipsum”

the header I found in my code that the

position: relative;

Was affecting the scrollbar so I removed it here was my code

h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6:hover {
  cursor: url("https://cdn.glitch.com/841efe4d-c99e-4353-b174-31ecd5da8ae5%2FNeonTextSelect01-Red.cur?v=1614642078468"),
   position: relative;
  left: 590px;
  padding: 50px;
  font-weight: 400;
  line-height: 200%;  

this is my code fixed thanks to you!!!

h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6:hover {
  cursor: url("https://cdn.glitch.com/841efe4d-c99e-4353-b174-31ecd5da8ae5%2FNeonTextSelect01-Red.cur?v=1614642078468"),
 text-align: center; 
  left: 590px;
  padding: 50px;
  font-weight: 400;
  line-height: 200%;  

Even my header is placed even more perfectly in the center. :grinning: :grinning: :grinning: :grinning: :grinning: :grinning: :grinning: :grinning: :grinning: :grinning:

Not quite :slight_smile: It was actually the left:590px that was causing the problem.:slight_smile: The position:relative on its own would not have affected anything. It’s only when you add co-ordinates that things go wrong. Remove the left:590px as it is redundant now anyway.

(Off Topic: Once you have done that please put back the contextmenu as disabling it like that is the number 1 most annoying thing you can do to your visitor. I will not visit sites that treat me badly like that :slight_smile: )


Then why when I removed the
position: relative;
it worked both is good and what’s

is it when you left click and a meue pops up?

No, it pops up on a right click (or the Menu button on focus).

I totally agree with @PaulOB about the annoying context blocking, it’s not stopping anyone from copying content, just annoying when you need the menu.


ok I did it because I did not want source view and inspect people can copy my code but I’ll turn it on

You still have several other errors to fix.


Because the left:590px is now redundant and does nothing with position:relative removed. Why do you want to keep code that does nothing?:slight_smile:

If at a later date you need a stacking context with position:relative then your co ordinates will once again break things.

It seems you don’t quite understand the mechanisms properly and as a general rule of thumb a beginner should never move anything relatively unless they know why they are doing it and what the consequences are :slight_smile:

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I have to come back at 12:25 its my lunch break ok? I do not like responses when I’m gone.

People will respond when they have the time. That’s how forums work.


How do you think that everyone of us here has already looked at your code despite you trying to stop us?

Obviously the method you are using stops the right click but it’s a simple matter to still access your code via devtools or just turning JS off. :slight_smile:

If you don’t want people to see your code then don’t put it on the web:)


It’s 16.30 where I am. smile This is an international forum, and you can’t expect other members to work around your schedule.


I was working on disabling all keyboard shortcuts too so you prob used CTRL+SHIFT+I or because I sent you the code.

4:30 PM put into normal time that means you are working late onto your PC

You do know that some people are unable to use a mouse and rely on keyboard to navigate, don’t you? Interfering with the normal operation of the browser is seldom, if ever, a good idea.