Why doesn't my JS show/hide div script work?

The following script is based on this fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/zEG4g/1574/

The idea is that div id one is supposed to show by default on page load, then at a certain time, div id two will replace it (with the href pointing to a page in another folder) on page load. Divs three and four are to show no matter what.

Unfortunately, the page starts blank! What am I doing wrong implementing this solution? I’m assuming the jsfiddle does not use Jquery.

<body onload="window.setInterval">	
	<div id="wrapper">
		<div id="three" style="display:none">
			<p id="spacer">&nbsp;</p>
				<a href="2017/three/index.html">
					<img class="change" id="okay" src="images/logo_three.png" alt="three">

		<div id="one" style="display:none">		
			<a href="2016/one/index.html">
					<img class="change" id="maybe" src="images/logo_one.png" alt="one">

		<div id="two" style="display:none">		
			<a href="2017/one/index.html">
					<img class="change" id="summat" src="images/logo_one.png" alt="one" >

		<div id="four" style="display:none">
			<a href="2016/four/index.html">
					<img class="change" id="dunno" src="images/logo_four.png" alt="four">
  var current = new Date();
  var expiry  = new Date("February 13, 2017 13:00:00")
  var expiry2 = new Date("February 13, 2017 15:00:00")

  else if(current.getTime()>expiry2.getTime()){
}, 0);

I’m assuming the jsfiddle does not use Jquery.

The jsFiddle does use jQuery. If you’re not including that in your page, then that is the problem.

If it’s not…

<body onload="window.setInterval">

You need to call a function here or just let the script be executed at the end of the body load. I haven’t looked at your code myself, but I bet this is throwing an error and causing your page to blow up. Even if you solve this problem by adding jQuery, you need to remove this.

I’m not using Jquery on the page, so that’s the problem! I’ll try to convert this to pure JS.

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This does the trick:

// I got the switchover time from http://currentmillis.com/
function setTime(){
  var current = new Date();
  var now = current.getTime();
  if(now < 1487610000000){
  else if(now > 1487610000000){

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