Which testing tool is most helpful for testers?

As a tester I usually use testing tools like Selenium, TestingWhiz, TestComplete, Ranorex. As a software tester, what testing tools do you find useful?


Depends on what i’m testing?

There’s not going to be one answer for “this is the best tool for all software testing”. It depends on what sort of testing you’re doing and what your requirements are.


Also just to make it clear; this thread is not an open invitation to link a random website of a tool you “just found” or “have been using for a while”. Spam’s still spam.

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One of the most helpful testing tools for testers is “Selenium.” It’s an open-source framework that automates web browser testing, allowing testers to efficiently perform regression, functional, and load testing. Its versatility, compatibility with various programming languages, and wide community support make it a popular choice in software testing.

So what if i’m not testing something in a web browser? (Believe it or not, not every piece of software runs in a web browser…)

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