Where is the bug?


From google chrome console.
I got this error below.
localhost/:244 Uncaught SyntaxError: Invalid or unexpected token

It says the error is on line 244 ?
Below are the codes where the error resides.


        $content = $this->session->userdata('content_data'); 
        $topic = $this->session->userdata('topic');
        $qa_data = $this->session->userdata('qa_data');
        $end = '';
        $end_of_array = $this->session->userdata('condition');
        $init = $this->session->userdata('init');
        $total_array = $this->session->userdata('total_array');
        $result_msg = $this->session->userdata('result_msg');

        if($end_of_array === 'yes')
            $end = '/end/';

        #$init = $this->session->userdata('init');
        #echo 'Question: '. $qa_data[0]->question;
        #echo '<br>Answer: '. $qa_data[0]->answer;
        #echo '<br>Reference: '. $qa_data[0]->info;        
        #echo '<br> Minutes: '. $qa_data[0]->time;


    <div id="landingqa">
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            <ins class="adsbygoogle"
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        <h1><?php echo $content['subject']; echo ' ver. '. $content['version']; ?> Codes Mastery Test </h1>
        <?php echo '(<b>'.$topic. '</b>)'; ?><br><br>
            if($init !== 'end')
            echo 'Try to answer the question below without looking at the documentation or cheating.';

<div align='center'>
                //echo form_open('front/save_lang'); 
                #echo form_open(''); 
        <table width="100%" border="0">
                        $str = htmlspecialchars_decode($qa_data[0]->question);                
                        $data_question = array(
                                'name'          => 'question',
                                'id'            => 'question',
                                'value'         => $str,
                                'cols'          => '50',
                                'rows'          => '10',
                                'wrap'          => 'off',
                                'style'         => 'width:95%'

                        if($init !== 'end') {
                            echo form_textarea($data_question);         
            <script async src="//pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/js/adsbygoogle.js"></script>
            <!-- codesmastery-middle -->
            <ins class="adsbygoogle"
            (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});
            <table width="100%" border="0">
                        $data_coder_answer = array(
                                'name'          => 'coder-answer',
                                'id'            => 'coder-answer',
                                'placeholder'   => 'Write the codes of your answer here.',
                                'cols'          => '50',
                                'rows'          => '18',
                                'wrap'          => 'off',
                                'style'         => 'width:95%'

                        if($init !== 'end') {
                            echo form_textarea($data_coder_answer);         
                        <div id="right-answer">
                        #$str = htmlspecialchars_decode($qa_data[0]->answer);                
                        $str = '';
                        $data_right_answer = array(
                                'name'          => '',
                                'id'            => 'right-answer2',
                                'value'         => '',
                                'cols'          => '50',
                                'rows'          => '18',
                                'wrap'          => 'off',
                                'style'         => 'width:95%'

                        if($init !== 'end') {
                            echo form_textarea($data_right_answer);    


                        <td align="left" colspan="3">

            $data_done = array(
                    'name'          => 'done',
                    'id'            => 'done',
                    'value'         => 'Done and compare',

            if($init === 'end')
                <center><h2><?php echo $result_msg; ?></h2></center>

                echo '<center>Press this button below, when you are done answering the question.</center>';
                echo '<center>';
                echo form_submit($data_done);
                #echo form_close(); 
                echo '</center>';

            if($init !== 'end')
                echo 'If there is missing character(s) in your codes then your answer is wrong.<br>
                     Pressing the buttons either Yes or No below, will proceed you to the next question.<br>
                    Is your answer corrrect?';
                $data_yes = array(
                        'name'          => 'yes',
                        'id'            => 'yes',
                        'value'         => 'Yes',
                echo form_open('language/show_qa/'. $topic . $end); 
                echo form_submit($data_yes);
                echo '<input type="submit" name="no" id="no" value="No" />';
                echo form_close();

        <script async src="//pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/js/adsbygoogle.js"></script>
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        <ins class="adsbygoogle"
            (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});
        <table width="100%" border="0">
                        <div id="reference">
                        $data_reference = array(
                                'name'          => 'reference',
                                'id'            => 'reference',
                                'value'         =>  $qa_data[0]->info,
                                'cols'          => '50',
                                'rows'          => '6',
                                'wrap'          => 'off',
                                'style'         => 'width:95%'

                        echo form_textarea($data_reference);         

<div id="wrapper">
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            <a href="<?php echo base_url() . 'language/suggestion/'; ?>" target="_blank"><b>Leave Feedback</b></a>        

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I tried finding the bug but failed many times…
Help me find the bug.

Thanks in advance.

Which line is line 244?

You’ve posted the original PHP code. The PHP code has dependencies that we cannot access.

Can you please post the generated HTML source code instead?

Here are the generated html codes.

<!doctype html>
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        <h1>codeigniter ver. 3 Codes Mastery Test </h1>
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<div align='center'>
                <table width="100%" border="0">
                        <textarea name="question" cols="50" rows="10" id="question" wrap="off" style="width:95%" >Write a controller called Blog that prints &#039;Hello World!&#039;.</textarea>
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                        <div id="right-answer">
                        <textarea cols="50" rows="18" id="right-answer2" wrap="off" style="width:95%" ></textarea>


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                echo 'Hello World!';
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                $('#message_box').animate({ top:"+=15px",opacity:0 }, "slow");

Thanks in advance

Which line is 244?

1 Like

On genrated html codes.

Below is starting line 243 and 249

        var answer = "class Blog extends CI_Controller {

        public function index()
                echo 'Hello World!';

Thanks in advance.

Actually on generated html codes starting line 243 and 249 was generated because of this codes below.

        var answer = "<?php  echo $ans; ?>";

This codes was under jquery codes.

Here are the complete codes of jquery codes for this.

        var answer = "<?php  echo $ans; ?>";
        $(function () {

Thanks in advance.

That will be it. double quotes (and single quotes too) do not wrap across multiple lines.

There are two solutions. One is to replace the newline with a \n symbol instead, and the other is to end the line with a backslash.

The former is usually the preferred solution.

The string values were from php I converted it into javascript.
so this variable will have constantly receiving changing values.
So is there an automatic method in php to solve this?

Thanks in advance.

I guess the answer is nl2br()

I will try.

1 Like

Nope, that’s only if you plan to output HTML code. You are not outputting HTML code.

You just need to replace the newline characters with \n instead. Perhaps using the PHP replace command.

That is partially correct.

The problem is, you are using a textarea for displaying the right-answer, which is going to show the <br> tags.


Actually I tried nl2br() but did not remove the error message.

So what would be the correct solution?
The reason I use textarea because of the scrolling bar feature of it.

The error is due to you having newline characters in between the double quotes.

Instead of:

var answer = "some stuff
    more stuff
    and more stuff";

You need it to be:

var answer = "some stuff\n    more stuff\n    and more stuff";


so how to make it one line with \n ?


It’s too late for me to run up a testing environment tonight, but I reckon that someone in the PHP forum will be able to easily answer that one.

The preg_replace command seems to be the right sort of direction for you to investigate.

Try this:

var answer = "<?php echo implode('\n', preg_split("/(\r\n|\r|\n)/", $ans)); ?>";

preg_split is breaking the answer into individual lines, then it is using implode to take those lines and concatenate them with a literal \n so JavaScript can interpret it.

1 Like


I tried it dude you codes.
But the error did not go away.

thanks for your effort.

Okay will try to experiment in pure php.
perhaps i’ll figure it out.

Provide the new HTML output for that script tag. Something must not be right, as when I tested it, it should have worked.

It should have created an output of

var answer = "class Blog extends CI_Controller {\n\n public function index()\n {\n echo 'Hello World!';\n }\n}";