Where can I download the files of the Novice to Ninja book?

Where can I download the files that he talk on this capture? the book I’m currently reading is https://www.sitepoint.com/premium/books/php-mysql-novice-to-ninja-6th-edition/read

Thanks a lot!

Sorry @m_hutley can you explain me exactly where is located the file database.sql ?

For which example?

I really don’t know, I’m actually in section 4, but at this stage the author talk about a file database.sql that we can import on our database manager

Can you help me with this? I don’t understand where to find that file.

@TomB aside from the file in question, there appears to be a typo in the second paragraph… (suddenly the database becomes idbj instead of ijdb?). I can’t seem to identify where this file should exist, based on the screenshots.

Me neither :frowning:

I managed to find these

* they are in more than one branch

Instructions for using the sample code are in the preface and an appendix. You can either use the supplied web-based GUI switcher or use the branch selector on github.

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