When i set up a auto response mail account in web they ban my account

I create account under many email providers such as mailerlit,mailchimp e.t.c But all of them suspend my account.What can i do now?Can you give me some advice for creating a perfect account.
Thank you.

I would suggest reading the TOS very carefully, and ensuring that you always comply with them. I can think of no reason why a provider would ban your account, apart from a violation of their terms.

If i ban one time can i try some other way to join there network? Can i create an another account ?

I suspect you will simply be banned again if they discover you’ve created another account.

If you know why your account was banned, you could try contacting the provider, apologise for whatever it was and ask if they would give you another chance. Simply creating a new account just looks like contempt for their rules.

Oh one more thing to know if I use the paid version of a email provider then can i use there there service ?

You really need to check out all these questions with the provider. If you can’t find the answers in their FAQs/support section, then make an enquiry.

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thank you

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