What's the difference between font-weight 700 and font-weight 900?

Can someone show me what’s the difference between font-weight 700 and font-weight 900 with examples?

I don’t see any difference whatsoever.

Not all fonts are available in every weight, so there may not be any difference. It depends on the font.


Yes as Technobear said if the font itself has not been designed with a font-weight of 900 (black(heavy)) then the browser will use the closest available which will be 700 (bold).

This CSS Tricks article explains in a little more detail.


Got it, thanks.

This means that for fonts that provide only normal and bold, 100-500 are normal, and 600-900 are bold.


Well 400 is normal, 500 is “medium” usually, and 300 and less are “light” type fonts. You are correct about 600-900 usually.

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