What's the best Technical Talk you've seen?

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Hello everyone, I’m writing this to you nestled on a comfy couch in the foyer of the amazing Tuschinski Theater in Amsterdam. MdevCon is in full flow and I just delivered a talk on “The Past, Present and Future of Swift” which I will turn into an article on SitePoint soon.

There have been some great talks on testing in Android, advanced iOS animation and an inspirational session on ‘becoming a better developer’, with many more to come this afternoon.

It’s been great to meet so many awesome developers and learn about the projects and ideas they’re working on and the techniques they use to accomplish them.

After all this inspiration, I’d like to ask you a question. What’s been the best tech presentation you’ve seen? Let me know below and try to link to it if possible.

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I can’t recall a presentation that really stood out, but I have a quick question for you: Will any of the presentations at MdevCon be posted anywhere for those of us who weren’t as fortunate as you to attend? That one you mentionned - > an inspirational session on ‘becoming a better developer’, sounds intriguing.


They will publish eventually, but here’s that specific talk - https://speakerdeck.com/icanzilb/non-technical-ways-to-be-a-better-developer8

Be warned, it was very much in the telling though, the slides may not say much on their own.

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