What would you call `x` in the following snippet?

What would you call x in the following snippet?

Is it a parameter, a variable, both, or something else?

[1, 2, 3, 4].filter(x => x > 2 ); 

That would be a parameter since it’s part of the function declaration. A function is being passed with a parameter x to array filter function.


If it helps to aid understanding, that code achieves the same as the following:

[1, 2, 3, 4].filter(function (x) {
    return x > 2;

So yes, x is a function parameter.

Another way to approach this is that when arrow-notation has only one function parameter, the parenthesis are optional. Here is the arrow notation with the parenthesis.

[1, 2, 3, 4].filter((x) => x > 2); 

For the same of clarity, I prefer to either put the function on a separate line:

[1, 2, 3, 4].filter(
    (x) => x > 2

or to use a named variable for the arrow-notation function:

const greaterThanTwo = (x) => x > 2;
[1, 2, 3, 4].filter(greaterThanTwo); 

In both cases, x being a parameter is easier to see and understand.

In hindsight, [1, 2, 3, 4].filter(x => x > 2); is about the worst way to present the code, as all of the others above have larger benefits.

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Ok, ta.

So imagine you had to describe what is going on in that snippet of code. Would it be fair to say:

The filter method applies an anonymous callback function to each of the elements in the array, whereby the value of each element is passed as a parameter to the callback function. The filter method then constructs a new array of the values for which the callback returns a value that coerces to true.

Or can anyone else think of a more succinct / beginner-friendly way to put it?

Thanks, @Paul_Wilkins. It’s clear what the code does, but I’m trying to nail down the terminology for a SP book.

Meh! I might have been tempted to name the parameter num, but it is a throwaway example and I think it is obvious what it does.I find the other examples slightly more jarring to read.

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Hmm, I’ve seen that corerces to true somewhere else before. Here it is, on the MDN filter page:

How about the following wording:

The filter method tests each element in the array against the anonymous callback function. Elements for which that function gives a truthy value, are returned as a new array.


Awesome. Thank you!

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Just to chime in. My understanding is that the ‘x’ in your callback is the parameter. The element being passed in is an ‘argument’.

I prefer that, it’s more declarative. It also has re-use.


Shoot! You are quite correct :slight_smile: Thanks for pointing that out.

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