What user/pass/ftp to use for localhost?

Can use Filezilla ftp client to publish files to localhost XAMPP server php…? This to test what PrestaShop does when change product images, resizing etc…Well?

What user/pass/ftp to use for localhost?

Whatever you have defined when you set up an FTP server for localhost.

This ftp credentials from xampp or from…? I have to setup ftp server? Like Filezilla server…?

I don’t understand. If you have XAMPP installed on your local computer, why would you need FTP? I have always just saved my projects in the folder C://xampp/htdocs and then I can access them through localhost.


I have to say I was thinking the same thing @WebMachine. I thought I must have missed something…

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I assumed that PrestaShop uses FTP to upload pages and that Isepolis123 wants to test that - in which case they need to install the Filezilla Server component of xampp

Not quite sure but some cms have an img product folder that whatever img needed added or replaced when in filezilla client drag to this folder auto resized to many product sizes by cms…in my case I want test resize of image localhost…

In csse xampp folder what ftp pass user use in filezilla?

Didn’t it ask you to set one when you installed it?

I do not think asks for ftp user…pass since is localhost.

All in all I want emulate filezilla upload images in localhost prestashop. …

Any idea?

Have you set up FileZilla server?

If you didn’t set up FTP when you installed XAMPP, go to http://localhost to access the dashboard, and look in the How To Guides.

I done
I opened Filezilla server from XAMPP Panel - windows
after created a User / point to a folder…

You have any idea how replace images in Prestashop…? normally drag to /img/tmp/ or…?

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