What is wrong with this table design?

you’re so right, i’m sorry, i forgot that key and index are synonyms

they shouldn’t be, though!!

“key” is more of a design concept – candidate key, primary key, composite key, foreign key, unique key, natural key, surrogate key…

whereas “index” is definitely an implementation concept, almost exclusively concerned with performance

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No country in the world has a phone number 37 characters long. Even using a +, hyphens, parenthesis, and spaces (represented as _), a German phone number in international notation is +49_(xxx)_xxxx-xxxx

Or because it’s you, “the spacing’s wrong, the types should be lined up.” :wink:

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so you’re saying they will all fit


I look at it and I don’t see anything wrong. Sure, you haven’t specify a primary key per se, but since there’s an ID field, I don’t see that as an error.
And sure, you could add more fields, but then, that’s not aa error in itself.

I think that there is a slight mistake in it but I don’t know how to clarify my point but I have objected 1 mistake.

you are wrong! and therefore correct! :sunglasses:

customers is a reserved keyword. You have to quote it with backticks.

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i love you , man


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The column addr is ambiguous.
Is it a shipping address, a billing address, possibly an email address, or even and address at all?

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IP address, clearly. :wink:


Unless of course it is capitalized and the first column. CUSTOMERS

the correct spelling is costumers

In version 9 they added an alias called shoppers that must be spelled in pascal case like so: shop_PERS


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