What is the ratio between making dofollow and Nofollow backlinks for their website?

What is the ratio between making dofollow and Nofollow backlinks for their website? Thank in advance

I’m not quite sure I understand your question.

Are you asking what proportion of outgoing links from your site should be nofollow? If so, I don’t think there’s any set answer. Links should be marked as nofollow where it’s appropriate to do so, irrespective of how many or how few you have on the page.

These articles might help:

If all the links on your web page are put there by you then 0% of them should be nofollow (as if you don’t want them followed you would simply omit them completely).

It’s depend up to you or a who has building links for. But there are no ratio to making back links for website. If all links are dofollow then better. As much as possible avoid to build no follow links, where as those are worthless.

Not necessarily. Google’s guidelines suggest reasons why you might mark legitimate links “nofollow”:

[]Paid links: A site’s ranking in Google search results is partly based on analysis of those sites that link to it. In order to prevent paid links from influencing search results and negatively impacting users, we urge webmasters use nofollow on such links. Search engine guidelines require machine-readable disclosure of paid links in the same way that consumers online and offline appreciate disclosure of paid relationships (for example, a full-page newspaper ad may be headed by the word “Advertisement”). More information on Google’s stance on paid links.
]Crawl prioritization: Search engine robots can’t sign in or register as a member on your forum, so there’s no reason to invite Googlebot to follow “register here” or “sign in” links. Using nofollow on these links enables Googlebot to crawl other pages you’d prefer to see in Google’s index. However, a solid information architecture — intuitive navigation, user- and search-engine-friendly URLs, and so on — is likely to be a far more productive use of resources than focusing on crawl prioritization via nofollowed links.

Yes there are those exceptions but on most sites the paid links are supplied by a third party advertising service and so have been placed on the page by that service and not directly by you.

Also there’s no reason for deliberately telling Google to not list a registration page, sure Google can’t register but the people who find it in the search results can. Also as that quote says, there are far more productive things you can do that attempting to use nofollow to set crawl priority (something far easier to do via an XML site map).

So for 99.99% of web sites those links you add to the page directly yourself should not have nofollow.