Small to large scale companies adapting to this new technology, cloud computing is beneficial for all types of companies. I have found some advantage as well as disadvantage of Cloud computing.
So what is the disadvantage of using cloud computing for the perspective of business growth? If anyone have past experience please share your thoughts of mind.
You say you’ve found advantages and disadvantages. Why not share your own views and experiences to get the discussion started?
I have seen many article on the web explaining both advantage as well as disadvantage of using cloud computing. Well we know cloud computing offers many advantage to an organization of any size. I do not have any personal experience about the disadvantage of cloud computing. But want more information if anyone have or faced the disadvantage of cloud computing.
It seems that “cloud computing” is a marketing term (or at least it was said that way on a youtube Google presentation). A better term for this discussion might be SaaS (software as a service). I guess the biggest disadvantage I see is that you would not be housing your own data but have given control of it to someone else.
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You’re right that it’s a marketing term cloud computing but it doesn’t mean online data. To me, cloud computing is being able to control the bandwidth of resources on-demand. For example, you can build a cluster server using Amazon EC2. You can start w/ say 5 servers and w/ a single click of a button it’s now running on 10 servers. Another way of saying is not having dedicated number of servers for your business. For example, let say I need to convert 1 billion word documents to pdf per year. To do this, I may have to purchase many computers that’s only used once per year. Instead of that, I’ll rent the servers from Amazon EC2 for a week which will be substantially less cost.
I dont see how it could include offline data. Depends what you mean by “online data” I suppose.
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The biggest disadvantage I have heard of regarding cloud computing was the one that was shut down by the US. Everyone was locked out of their data, the company providing the service had their bank account locked so the hosting providers didn’t get paid and everyone’s data got deleted before they could arrange to move it to a different service.
Cloud computing != Cloud storage . At least to me.
As said, this term Cloud Computing is marketing/stupid term. Many thinks it’s Cloud Storage where I think of it as Cloud Processing.
If what you say is considered cloud computing then every web site is cloud computing. The very first e-mail system could be considered cloud computing. I’m interested in hearing your version of what cloud computing is.
That’s not specific to cloud computing. The US has been known for grabbing all kinds of servers as they see fit. Cloud, shared, VPN, dedicated, whatever. So that’s not a disadvantage of cloud computing but rather a disadvantage of hosting in the US.
The servers for the cloud computing service I mentioned were not hosted in the US. The US took legal action in New Zealand against the owners of the cloud computing service to get their bank account frozen so that they couldn’t pay for the hosting in the dozens of countries around the wold where that cloud computing service was hosted. All the hosting for the cloud computing service got shut down across Europe and Asia because the bills for the hosting couldn’t be paid because of the New Zealand bank accounts being frozen.
I’ll admit that I have a shaky understanding of what cloud computing is, but I’ve been led to believe that, instead of having all your data stored on one computer—as in traditional web hosting—it is spread over a number of computers, meaning it’s less likely to get lost. Whether or not that is true, though, I’m not sure, so I’d be interested in what people have to say on that.
To me, I only know of 1 technology that I redeem as Cloud Services. That’s called Hadoop. What you said is what Hadoop does partially. For example, let say you have 1 TB file that needs to be processed w/ a requirement that needs to be completed under 5 minute. This is nearly impossible to do on a single computer. So what Hadoop does is split the 1 TB file into something called HDFS (Hadoop Distributed File System). Essentially, it splits and put it into (possibly) over 100 computers. It also have default backup of 3 copies. Since you are storing 1TB file, it’s techically storing 3TB into HDFS. Now, the other half is the processing. Whenever you send the command to process that file, all computer who stores block of the file will execute. So, if the file is split 20 different computer then all 20 computers will fire off on the local file block. This is how parallel processing is done.
Yes, I have Hadoop Certification! though… i’m not doing this professionally yet…
Here is a good article about the disadvantages of cloud computing. Its main issue seems to be with the big cloud providers and their pricing model.
An answer to the question “advantages / disadvantages of Cloud Computing?” is a bit problematic, I think, for it depends on the definition of “What is Cloud Computing?” - and there are numerous variations in the definition.
Hosting providers can use it as a trendy marketing term for all the products they wish to sell. - In science it can be used for [U]distributed computing projects[/U] (as sg707 in post #13: “Cloud Computing” = “Cloud Processing”). - SaaS (software as a service, Kiwiheretic in #4 ) is something like that: instead of for example a MS-Word program on each office desktop there is one common MS-Word on a central server elsewhere. Others can use a definition more as “Cloud Storage” (as Google Docs <inclusive “cloud processor” = external hosted editor>, or an external dedicated server for all data documents in an intranet office setting). *)
- Lots of info about these variants can be found in the big Wikipedia article [U][/U], with many references to related concepts in other Wikipedia articles, and about 180 links in footnotes and external sources.
- In the article is also attention for [U]disadvantages[/U] (as safety, privacy, loss of data), which can be different for different types of “Cloud Computing”.
That brings us back to the question of topic starter sunilmkt: what kind(s) of “Cloud Computing” do you mean? - Or do you have enough information already from the discussions above?
*) I think the “Cloud Computing” term is a catch-all, more or less like the definition of a “Table”.
Some say: it is a horizontal surface with 4 legs on the floor. - Others say: no, 3 legs is good too. - Others say: no, I sell a big assortment of 1 leg tables. - Others say: no, the legs of my bed table are not on the floor. - Others say: no, what do you think about wall mounted folding tables without legs? - Others say: no, my drawing table is not horizontal. - Others say: no, a <table> is an html element. Etc. - And the question: “What are the advantages / disadvantages of a table (compared with …)?”