What is the best way for testing if a foreach element is the last element?

I have read that the way this should be done is with testing for: ($row === end($stmt))

However, when I test for this it is not detecting that the last result is the end.

Is there a better (more accurate way) of checking for the last result?

I also tried with !next, but it still does not work.

$sql="(My Query)";
$stmt = $pdo->query($sql);
foreach ($stmt as $row) {
  if ($row === end($stmt)) {
    echo '<div class="newsLine_noBottom">';
  else {
    echo '<div class="newsLine_bottom">';
  echo $row['stuff'];
  echo '</div>';

What I am trying to do:
For every row of data, show the data and place a line underneath each row, except for the last.

Any ideas why this is not working? In my example above, only 3 rows of data are returned, however all 3 are getting the same div class (newsLine_bottom) applied to them, where-as the last one should be getting the alternate div class (newsLine_noBottom).

<?php declare (strict_types = 1);

$arr = ['One', 'Two', 'Three'];
$end = end($arr);

foreach ($arr as $v) {

    if ($v == $end) {
        echo $v;
    echo $v;
    echo '<hr>';

I’m getting an error when I try to use the reference to strict types:

Fatal error: strict_types declaration must be the very first statement in the script in /myurl/index.php on line 418

Line 418 is where I used:

<?php declare (strict_types = 1);

My guess is that maybe this is supposed to go on Line 1? However on Line 1 is where I have: session_start();

To my understanding for sessions, that has to be first on Line 1.

Put the session start under it or delete the strict types.

<?php declare(strict_types=1);

* session_start needs to come before any output. It doesnt matter what line it is on.

I thought session_start() has to be the very first thing that follows php? I’ve read this several times in different sources – is this not the case?

Your sources are wrong, it is not the case

session_start needs to come before any output. It doesnt matter what line it is on.

Okay. I will trust you on that then. I was taught nothing could be between the “<?php” and then the reference to session. It does make sense to me though that it just needs to come before any output.

Keep in mind I am a newbie coder here:

I think I have tracked down the issue.

when I try: echo array_values($stmt);

I get the following error:
Warning : array_values() expects parameter 1 to be array, object given in /home/cabox/workspace/minisgallery/Live_Files/index.php on line 425

Why would my above query not be returning the results as an array?

I thought $stmt = $pdo->query($sql); would generate an array of the results? Or is that not what this does?

Take a look at this PDO tutorial.

$sql = 'Your Query';
foreach ($pdo->query($sql) as $row)
//Do Stuff

You will want to learn how to use var_dump. It will show you details of what a value is and contains.


The manual is your friend. It even gives an example of how to use query method.

Good job on starting your journey with PDO. It was the right decision. :+1:

Well to say I have much confusion in this area is an understatement. I originally began doing queries as per the manual, however then I was shown the delusions manual and the query format there is different. I now do all my queries as per the delusions examples.

I have now spent 3 hours today trying to get this simple @#$#ing query to work. I’ve read the manuals so many times, that they no longer make sense to me.

Thank you for the “var_dump” method… I spent 20 minutes Googling how to get the value for my array and none of the results mentioned var_dump.

I have restructured my query now and it appears to be working fine:

$sql="(My Query)";
$stmt = $pdo->prepare($sql);
$result = $stmt->fetchAll();

foreach ($result as $row) {
  if ($row === end($result)) {
    echo '<div class="newsLine_noBottom">';
  else {
    echo '<div class="newsLine_bottom">';
  echo $row['stuff'];
  echo '</div>';

Thank you for your help – I know it must be frustrating helping us newbies :slight_smile:

Now see what you can do to refactor it to clean it up. Notice any duplicate code? Hint: Get rid of the else.

It’s all a Journey. Just keep at it.
Some of us ( me :innocent: ) can be rather direct. Don’t take it personal.

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Incidentally - the answer to your problem is actually probably better solved with a better targetted CSS rule than using code to give it a different class.

.newsLine:not(:last-child) {
   margin-bottom: 2px;
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Thank you for mentioning this option. I’m not overly familiar with CSS and I thought last-child could only be used on things such as lists that are contained within tags.

:last-child refers to the last element inside any container. <html> is a container (and usually, the <body> tag is its last child)… anything that has an opening and closing tag and contains other elements will have a :last-child match.

Keep in mind that :last-child matches the last CHILD, not necessarily the last matching element.

   <div class='a'></div>
   <div class='a'></div>
   <div class='a'></div>
   <div class='a'></div>
   <div class='b'></div>

.a:last-child will not match anything here; none of the ‘a’ divs is the last child.

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