What guru can help me get this going

Like most, if not all python tutorials this one doesn’t work.
Driven myself mad for 2 days trying to find the answer, and I know its looking back.
I believe the error is in fresh_tomatoes.py.
I have had all code in a validator, its not perfect, but should work. The main script (the one I believe the problem is in), I will take out most of the html/css, but am happy to post if needed.
This is the error I’m now getting

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Python36-32\udacity\movies\entertainment_center.py", line 7, in <module>
TypeError: object() takes no parameters

This is the part of the script I think is incorrect:

# A single movie entry html template
movie_tile_content = '''
<div class="col-md-6 col-lg-4 movie-tile text-center" data-trailer-youtube-id=
"{trailer_youtube_id}" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#trailer">
    <img src="{poster_image_url}" width="220" height="342">

And here are the other 2 parts/scripts - media.py

import webbrowser

class Movie():
    def _init_(self, movie_title, movie_storyline, poster_image, trailer_youtube):
        self.title = movie_title
        self.storyline = movie_storyline
        self.poster_image_url = poster_image
        self.trailer_youtube_url = trailer_youtube
def show_trailer(self):

And here is entertainment-center:

import fresh_tomatoes
import media

toy_story = media.Movie("Toy Story"
                        ,"A story of a boy and his toys that come to life"

avatar = media.Movie("Avatar",
                     "A marine on an alien planet"

vanishing_point = media.Movie("Vanishing Point",
                              "American action road movie",

school_of_rock = media.Movie("School of Rock",
                             "American idiot movie",

movies = [toy_story,avatar,vanishing_point,school_of_rock]					 

There should be two underscores around init in media.py, so change it to

def __init__(self, movie_title, movie_storyline, poster_image, trailer_youtube):

Also, the show_trailer() method is not properly indented and therefore is not actually part of the Movie class at the moment.

Thanks for the help

I would never have picked up on the double underscore, sure don’t remember reading about it any where.
And the indent - I changed that because when I checked my script at PEP8 it said it was wrong.
Correct now ?:

class Movie():
    def __init__(self, movie_title, movie_storyline, poster_image, trailer_youtube):
        self.title = movie_title
        self.storyline = movie_storyline
        self.poster_image_url = poster_image
        self.trailer_youtube_url = trailer_youtube
    def show_trailer(self):

Correct now ??

    def show_trailer(self):

This was a python2 tut and I’m using python3. on windows 10
fixes worked but I’m now being asked if I want to open the browser, instead of it just opening, and there’s no images showing.

Feel much better getting this far, much appreciated

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