What do you think makes a guy rich? His nature or his IQ?

Opportunities for those who are prepared

Being a loner can be a strength. too bad people keeps thinking it’s a weakness

is there only successful people here?

how would you define successful?

anyway, I say nature - and my opinion has nothing to do with money.

It’s not like I stopped studying psych post leaving college, human psychology is a BIG part of the job I undertake (though I’m not giving care so I don’t need to be licensed). I regularly read journals, research, books (et al) as it helps me better cater experiences for the needs of an audience. In regards to psychology (non-medical) I would say I’m a professional (of sorts). Anyone wanting to get into UX Design would be better off studying psych than traditional design if you ask me :smiley:

Anything you want to own up too? :stuck_out_tongue:

If you don’t know to use the opportunity, don’t feel the opportunity…it has not value .

Hope you manage to squeeze in a bit of practical application with all that reading and listening to of podcasts you’re always telling us you do.

I like kittens, now it’s your turn.

Well, I was suggesting a gambling resemblance (re: house), but anyway… The point I was trying to make was that planning on luck as part of your success strategy isn’t such a good idea. In my opinion anyway. Maybe you have so much luck you can plan on yours :stuck_out_tongue:

Otherwise, you can’t control getting lucky also, so why even count it as a variable. :smiley:

Being a loner can be a big advantage. Usually that means you have all that extra time you’re not spending socializing, which you can use to work harder. Of course it depends on the type of your work - sometimes it, indeed, can be an issue.

opportunity,IQ… sometime opportunity is Key factor,For example famous general,If not war environment,can you become a general though books?

There are two kind of people : making money and spending money :slight_smile:

Luck may be unreliable (in the sense that it only happens occasionally) however it’s wrong to say that the lack of it may reduce you back to failure. Luck is what gives you opportunities, it doesn’t replace the hard work to sustain a business (which is what we were suggesting). If your good luck suddenly dries up you can still have a successful career off the back of the lucky break that gave you the opportunity in the first place. And while back luck can reduce careers to ruin, there’s little to nothing you can do to control it, so why even count it as a variable. Even if you don’t get lucky, you can still have a rotten load of bad luck that can screw up your life - or are you suggesting everyone should become paranoid that their life is going to be wiped out in seconds at any time in the near future? :wink:

PS: Who is the “house”, I’m not sure anyone governs luck, unless you’re suggesting that Leprechauns are trying to sham(rock) me :stuck_out_tongue:

Why feel lucky when you can feel successful? :wink:

The chance is essential for make money…and no money no rich, right ?

A person’s nature and IQ is what prepares that person to be lucky. You need a nature that is willing to take risks and do something different with your life on short notice, and the IQ to realize that you have to position yourself in life in a place where you can be lucky. When that golden butterfly of opportunity makes it’s fleeting appearance in your life, if you haven’t set yourself up to take advantage you won’t be able to grab it, it will fly off and someone else will snatch it and get rich.

Totally agree

I think the key is to do something that suits your personality. No point being in customer services if you don’t like talking to people. There is a program that I suggest you look into, no need to get into it deeply, but it’s called Wealth Dynamics. More specifically give [URL=“http://www.amazon.co.uk/Your-Life-Legacy-Entrepreneur-Creators/dp/9810583818”]Your Life Your Legacy: An Entrepreneur Guide to Finding Your Flow by Roger Hamilton. It’s a great business book in general.

You can still do good. I’m a loner too, yet that hasn’t been an obstacle - a strength if nothing else. As I said in one of my previous posts, you have all that extra time you don’t send on socializing. Of course, the internet has a lot to do with that.

Why did I ask this question,becasue my nature is lonely,I feel it is not good,I researched it,a lonely nature always meet the poor situation in his/her life,becasue it is not good for business ,and it is hard to deal with the social relationship,maybe he/she can be a good artist?(like van gogh),but he/she is hard to be rich.


It’s easy to blame on karma for richness…:rolleyes:

Because it indicates lack of self-esteem. You don’t consider yourself worthy enough to attribute all of your success to yourself, so you give away part or all of it to someone or something else. :stuck_out_tongue: