What do you think about boosting an account with likes?

I’m trying really hard to grow my followers on twitter. I tweet a lot and take advantage of trends, anyways, I can’t get new followers but likes and RT.

recently I found an agency to grow organcally. Have you ever try it before?

I don’t use Twitter, but if I did, I would follow somebody because I found them interesting, not because of the number of other people they do or don’t have following them. Do you really think that having multiple fake followers would influence people into following you?


I know but sometimes if you see someone with a huge number of followers it may influence, don’t you think?

As I say, it wouldn’t influence me.

But supposing it influenced somebody else. Do you think that person - who followed you primarily because of your perceived popularity - would be a follower worth having? Will they stay with you and continue to read your tweets? Will they engage with whatever it is you want them to engage in? Or will they rapidly lose interest, because their commitment was more to your status than your content?

If your business is about to get more impressions than the leads, it is good to boost the account with the likes.

I dont suggest you to use any agency help for followers. Most of them are fake users or fake followers. After certain period of time, those will be removed. In place of that you should follow like minded or person in your field daily 10-20 person. Mostly they will also follow you back. Keep sharing useful information in place of joke or gm etc. Dont tweet too many even that will make your followers to unfollow. I hope this will help you.

Interactions matter, not followers. They do this to specifically combat fake followers and push good content to the top. Fake followers do nothing and can even hurt you by making your interactiom ratio bad.


True, more than the number of likes and followers what matters is your interaction with the existing followers. You need to concentrate more on interacting with them and adding value.

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Related: https://mashable.com/2018/07/11/twitter-removing-followers-locked-accounts/?europe=true#vTmN4aUQKaqS

Twitter is working hard to delete fake accounts and I’d expect other platforms to be working on similar measures. Buying followers is a waste of money.


if twitter is not useful for you than you can try other social platform… twitter don’t work for every niche.

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for getting more followers on twitter, you have to focus on profile. People follow anyone by looking their profile. Then follow people within your interest. This will definitely grow your follower list.