We are in the business of integrity.
We provide many valuable commodities to each of our individually unique projects. Still, we never alter our sales or service techniques to pacify a specific client’s “bottom line” directly.
For example(s):
- We provide efficient, well commented and thoroughly considered web development from expert programmers with indelible versatility and problem solving skills.
- We provide effectively simple, trendy but classy, detail-oriented interface design and branding that is memorable and captivating to the intended audiences.
- We provide result-driven, experienced and very profitable eCommerce (including NetSuite) with an incredibly high average ROI.
- We provide cutting-edge, enterprise quality web hosting and content delivery to clients lacking an enterprise budget.
- We provide irreproachably advanced and professional web application security auditing including vulnerability assessments, penetration testing and patch management.
- We provide superior free and open-source software for not only our clients but all of mankind to leverage for the benefit of the Internet.
Most would consider the bold items in the above list to be the products that we offer. In fact, if you were to examine our public information it will in many ways portray these items as products. When you break things down to the lowest level though the actual product that we offer is integrity. Whether it be honest and open communication or fair pricing, our goal from the onset has been to set a new standard of service in the industry.
Rather than continuing to reinvent the wheel I’ll just reference my own prior writings on the subject to further convey my message:
There was a time when integrity in business was the norm, a handshake or a conversation over lunch was as good as a signed and notarized contract. The snake oil salesman was always there throughout time, but he was the anomaly. Not so today. This is evident everywhere we look. Today everything is marketing to make us feel good and comfort us into a sort of mind control or create a sense of urgency and need to have something we most likely don't need at all.
We are tricked into price increases by buying products at the same price as last month, but the container has been transformed to carve out 15% of the product. We are promised the moon by a salesperson only to find out post-contract that everything is not nearly as glorious as the presentation. We are held hostage by proprietary systems and duped by disclaimers and cleverly crafted legal jargon. I hate to spew corny old adages such as “Money is the root of all evil”, but alas, 'tis true. It seems business is now governed by a race to get the most money by whatever means necessary.
It seems to me that resorting to less than integral means in conducting business undermines the income potential a business needs. Integrity fosters trust and confidence with your clients that ensures a good reputation and repeat business. What does business integrity consist of? Allow me to expound:
First and foremost, make your products and/or services the best they can be.[/B] Doing good business is good for business. Hold every member of your team accountable for that same integrity in their function of the company.
Simply put, tell the truth.[/B] Carefully develop marketing materials to be sure they are clear and there is no misrepresentation. As long as I am throwing old adages around allow me to quote Mark Twain: “If you tell the truth, you never have to remember anything.”
[B]Replace quick money thinking with long-term steady growth strategies.[/B] The desire to make a quick buck puts one in a position to make questionable decisions that may be regretted later.
[B]Everyone makes mistakes. Make every attempt to address any complaints or issues a client has and do so quickly.[/B] Any delay in responding could do damage to your reputation. As Henry Ford said, "You can't build a reputation on what you are going to do". It takes a long time to build trust but only a moment to compromise it. Rebuilding lost trust results in a waste of time and money.
[B]Treat everyone with respect regardless of age, education, position, etc.[/B] Treat everyone with dignity and professionalism.
[B]Instill integrity throughout all layers of your company, not just surface appearance.[/B] In so doing, integrity will become ingrained and define your company steadfastly throughout all levels therefore establishing your company culture. People will be able to sense that without a big marketing campaign to convince them of it.
We offer many services and commodities to clients but the product pervasive throughout all of them is integrity.