What are you using to create forms?

What’s the easiest and best way to make forms?

You probably need to give more information. A form is a simple HTML element, and it’s easy to add inputs, labels ans wot not inside them. Are you talking about styling forms, or getting them to pass data to the server, or … ?

In HTML form you can add the input fields.Submit a form using get method or post method.In get method entered information will visible in browser address bar, post method data will not visible

I’ve used Wufoo on a few sites, quite easy if you don’t mind paying.

I’ve used Wufoo on a few sites, quite easy
I think another unsung advantage of woofoo is that they ALSO build an accompanying database for the form.

Remember there are 5 parts to a form.

  1. The HTML markup.(the actual semantics and elements)
  2. The CSS styling ( the look)
  3. The behavior (usually done in .js) (the focus on elements, do fields change when other fields are selected? pop up windows for extra inputs…ect)
  4. The DB ( where does this data go?)
  5. The process ( what does the data do) for example in a log in form if the “passkey” field doesnt match a predetermine string… go back t the form, else go to a specific URL.

Your question might be more easily understood broken down as outlined above.

There are a various application and web design languages available on the web which will provide you a web design platform for forms. Wufoo and Google Docs are both best tools to create forms. With the help of Google Does you can easily create forms and for more information you can visit this link : http://googlesystem.blogspot.in/2008/08/easier-way-to-create-forms-in-google.html. Wufoo is a web application which simplifies forms. It has various advanced features such as web hooks, stuff and API to access the saved data. You can get the detail information for Wufoo from given link : http://net.tutsplus.com/tutorials/other/the-quickest-and-best-way-to-create-forms-wufoo/.

I was looking over the wufoo forms documentation and for a solution that doesn’t require any programming looks pretty nifty. I would never use it but for someone who lacks programming skills seems like a nice solution. Many nifty features especially that REST API if you need to go the extra mile with data management.