What are the improvements should I do in my website for better SEO?

To make your SEO tricks better following points should be followed by you:
You should have the quality content.
then you should take care of quality things to do.
your site’s url should be maintained.
it shouldn’t be cannonical.

I think you have hit the nail on the head there! Most of what is talked about in terms of SEO is white smoke and mirrors…

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That statement is of no help to anybody. What do you mean by “quality things to do”?

Again, what is that supposed to mean?

[quote=“Anne_Carton, post:22, topic:214314”]
it shouldn’t be cannonical.
[/quote]And now I’m really lost.

If you have more than one URL pointing to the same page, then you need to set one of then as canonical for search engine optimisation. Exactly what are you saying “shouldn’t be canonical”?


To all participants:

One-line answers or lists of items with no explanation will be removed as fluff. Please take the time to explain any recommendations you make.


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