What about wordpress

I noticed that a entirely wordpress website is very slower than a non wp one (on the same maintainer and a lot of more traffic).
Moreover I find very complicated using wordpress.
It is at least more secure and SEO reliable/helpful?

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Well all I can say is that your perception of the issue is not accurate. Wordpress sites can be as fast or slow as they want to be. A number of things contribute to speed of a Wordpress site like a non-wp site…

  1. The host could be slow
  2. The network between you and them could be slow
  3. The site might have large assets that drag it down
  4. The site could have a ton of non-optimized plugins
  5. Some sites are using cdns and some don’t
  6. Some sites are using caching properly and others are not

This can be said for any given site, wordpress or not.

I can’t speak to why you find it complicated. Perhaps it is just different and requires a bit of learning? I don’t find it that hard to use for basic blogging. If you are trying to do too many things with it, you can make things more complicated than they need to be. It is all relative of what you are doing.

But again, this stuff can be said for most non-wp websites as well. Some people run their sites properly and some do not.

As for security, keep in mind that WP runs up to 34% of the world’s websites and is actively worked on by thousands of people. The core is pretty secure. Now the one drawback is the plugins. Most security holes are through plugins which are not always vetted properly. Use plugins from reputable companies and actively maintained and you are usually fine. Also keep the number of plugins to a minimum (I try to stay below 10).

SEO is about you, your writing and your content. It is not something most web platforms care about. You can write content that is great for SEO or sucks on any platform. It is up to you.


These two first cannot be: same maintainer and same connection from my pc.

The other, yes, you are right. And I’m not familiar with wp: I prefer to control myself the source code. I have to learn, yes. But it is worth my effort and my time?
Reduce the plugins, you says: yes. I will try.
But the only fact to work on a database it isn’t itself a slowness condition?
Not to speak about the huge number of javascript…


And not to speak of the very many times the site go down…

“The site go down” is not a coding issue, and therefore is unrelated to Wordpress. Post hoc ergo propter hoc.

Wordpress is like jQuery (or any other framework). It gives you a lot of tools to do things with. But that comes with overhead; you get the whole toolbox, whether you use it or not.
Is it better or worse? Depends on how you use it. Wordpress sites are not a collective noun; you cant say “Its a wordpress site, so its slow”
There are database calls involved. Does that slow the site down? Yes. Does it do so measurably? Depends on your setup. If the database is on the same server/block as the webhost, your “slowdown” could be sub-microseconds. Is that really “slow”?


This means nothing. Do realize that the route you take to a site on the internet changes all the time. Even your data packets can be routed through different servers. A simple DNS machine could be down or slow and that itself resolves in slow resolution. Believe me, network issues come about all the time.


I know only that not sometimes, or randomly, wp is very slower than not-wp, but always, night and day, 7 days a week, throughout the day (1).

As @m_hutley said «There are database calls involved. Does that slow the site down? Yes.»
WP can automatize a lot of things, yes. But with a price very high, for my needs, at least. Such as, I guess, any other CMS calling a database.


(1) At least, if you have a similar “plan” on the server.

To be fair, he did continue with


Unfortunately, I noticed differences very bigger (20 seconds and more).
I thank you for your help, but these last days have been very hard, and I spent a lot of time trying to understand wp.
I have used wp so far for a part of a website (quite good). But giving a whole website to wp has become a nightmare (for me).

I get the feeling you are over-simplifying the problem in order to find an easy scape-goat to pin the problem on.
You have found that the WP site runs slower than the non-WP site.
But have you firmly established the reason(s) why the WP site is slower?
Your conclusion seems to be: Because it’s WP.
But really, a site that is WP and a site that isn’t are both just a bunch of code doing stuff.
You need to identify which processes specifically are casusing the bottle-necks.
In your other topic you seem to want to shy away from databases and server side processing. Which leads me to believe these are your scape-goats, because they are things that WP utilises.
This may be the case, but can you be sure these are the bottle-necks?
Have you tested with the various tools available to identify exactly which parts are takng time?
You will tackle a problem only by identifying and dealing with its root cause.


You’re either sending extremely poorly optimized queries or the host’s setup is abysmal. Neither of which is Wordpress’ fault.

Use of plugins that aren’t optimized. not putting into practice general performance best practices like caching and compression. Having such a large number of contents running behind the scenes. Utilizing an old adaptation of PHP.

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It may be because of your hosting, if its requirements doesn’t match yours.
No caching or caching plugins are active
You lack a content delivery network (CDN) despite having a website with substantial traffic.
Huge pages and no image compression
You don’t utilise HTTPS or the benefits of the HTTP2 protocol
Your PHP version is outdated
You are using outdated plugins.
Also your website is not properly optimized.

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WordPress websites can be slow or fast, it all depends on how you’ve set up your website. Some issues that can cause problems are:

  • Slow (bloated) themes
  • Tons of plugins
  • No caching
  • Slow hosting
  • Heavy pages (lots of images and other big assets)

There are tons of big websites using WordPress, including some of the biggest online brands. Even Techcrunch, Vogue or the White House websites use WordPress, and they handle millions of monthly traffic.

If I were you, I would first check if you have proper hosting (avoid low-budget plans), then make sure you have an optimized theme. Enable Cloudflare, install caching plugins, and disable as many plugins that you don’t need. That way you should’ve already made big steps towards a faster website.

Yes, WordPress can be slower, but optimization techniques can improve speed.WordPress has a learning curve, but resources are available for assistance.WordPress is secure when plugins and themes are properly managed. It has SEO-friendly features, but content and optimization strategies matter most.

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This thread has covered all the basics now. Enough to help the OP get started.

If there are any more specific questions please feel free to open a new thread. For now though, this thread is closed.