Website Doesn't Work

Ever since I joined this website it hasn’t worked. It starts to make me mad. I can’t search the forums without getting error messages. I get server not found, page not found and server timmed out errors constantly. The website runs really slow when it does work…

It sounds like someone needs to get down and do some serious maitenance on the website soon…

I wonder if this is a new website.

There is too much stuff going on … way too much advertisements that slow down the web pages, way too much clutter… that’s probably the main reason…

Sorry you are having issues but I’ve never had any problems. Perhaps start looking at your own Internet connection.

I don’t have any problems with any website except this one, and the error messages I get are server side errors not client side errors.

Thanks for the screens and the info. We’re aware that there are some issues that need to be solved and I know that SP HQ are trying to do their best to sort them out. I will certainly bring this to the attetion of the forum administrator so she can forward it to HQ although I suspect they already know.

The site has been working fine, but it is a bit slow at times.