Web Services related Questions

Hi all
I develop so many web services for my Projects. My project is developed in Microsoft Technology. I find very easy to develop web services. If any one have problem, Please share with me about web services like JSON Format and all…

could you please help for me?

I need to call a webservice method using nusoap, the method needs two xml string parameters. one is ‘settings’ and another one ‘record’ I have done the following manner


$settings = ‘<settings>

$record = ‘<record>

$client = new nusoapclient(‘’);

// Call the SOAP method

$result = $client->call(
‘AddRecordRCS’, array(‘NewRecordXML’ => $record, ‘SettingsXML’ => $settings), // input parameters
http://tempuri.org/TouchstarIAPI/ImportService’, // namespace
http://tempuri.org/TouchstarIAPI/ImportService/AddRecordRCS’ // SOAPAction

i didn’t get any error and the server response status is HTTP/1.1 200 OK
but i got response is FALSE.
my question: is this right way to pass xml parameter as a string type?
please reply

Sorry, I am using PHP with nusoap I think WCF REST services templates for .NET application. can it help for me?

Sorry, “developed in microsoft technology” usually indicates .NET not PHP. Anyhow, nusoap won’t help either – it is for SOAP/XML based messaging, not JSON stuff.

Check out the WCF REST services templates.