Web Developing

Hi Guys! Please help me. What the best way to site developing? May be use any webbuilder? Advise me

Welcome to the forum, @tvigi.

Can you explain what you mean by “site developing”? Are you talking about just building a simple site, or are you looking at something like a content management system?

Do you know HTML and CSS? These are the basic foundations of any web page.

[quote=“tvigi, post:1, topic:211717”]
May be use any webbuilder?
[/quote]That is certainly one way, but seldom (if ever) the best way.

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Yes, IMHO if you use a “webbulilder” you will spend more time learning how to use it and fixing all the mistakes than you would by writing your own.

Yes, just simple site

Thank you for your opinion!


Do you know HTML and CSS? If not, then that’s the place to start.

You can find free online tutorials, such as http://www.htmldog.com/guides/, or there are plenty of books and courses available, including those from SitePoint.

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Ok. I will start learning

Oops! Gives a 404!

Think the htmldog link carried over to the SP link - https://www.sitepoint.com/premium/topics/all?q=&limit=12&offset=0&page=1&states[]=available&utm_source=sitepoint&utm_medium=link&utm_content=top-nav

Not necessarily.

If you genuinely need a simple site and have no reason to learn web development, you could use a tool like SquareSpace and be running really fast. There’s almost no learning curve. But it’s only really good for very simple webpages, and only if you aren’t design picky at all. If you get any more complicated of a builder (Dreamweaver and those sorts) you do end up with a bigger mess than it was worth, most of the time (IMO, as well; I know some people love them). Point is, if OP genuinely doesn’t need or want to be a web developer, that’s fine, everyone doesn’t have to be :wink: But if interest or need calls to you…

Otherwise… the above posts are right, start into HTML and basic web development and go from there!


I would agree. I you want fast, but not necessarily brilliant results with little effort without learning very much at all, it’s an option.
But if you want to learn to code, steer clear of those and learn html & css.

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Yes, I wont to make simple site easily. But I dont know where to start. Will I start learnin html & css or Website Builders

We have mentioned the different situations where you would choose one option or the other.
For a quick, easy, basic site, you can use a site builder.
If you have more time and want a better quality site and want to learn valuable skills, learn to code.
The choice is yours to take.

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