Analyzing my blog with Insights gives me a warning to reduce unused CSS content, and it shows two links to two CSS sheets. The issue is that I use Litespeed cache to manage caching, JavaScript, etc., and the CSS. Although I have only one CSS sheet on my blog, I understand that the plugin has split it into several sheets, loading them at different times to improve loading speed, and two of these sheets are the ones appearing in the warning. How could I solve this, if those sheets don’t actually exist? This is the direct link to the report: It appears in both mobile and desktop views, with greater severity in the desktop version.
wp-rocket, nitro-pack will remove the unused css and js
As I mentioned in my message, I use Litespeed Cache, which already handles all of that. I can’t use more than one, but thank you for the response. I suppose someone familiar with the plugin might be able to tell me if there’s a way to configure it differently than how I currently have it set up, so this doesn’t happen to me.
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