Want To Learn

Although i am SEO professional but I want to learn a programing language too.
I have basic HTML knowledge and interested to learn PHP so I need suggestions from all you GURU’s that from where i have to start to learn PHP.
What are the basics?
Which tool i have to use?
Which IDE i need to install?
What i need to build Data Base?

Please Answer me for this post I am very thank full to all of you in advance.

Thanks for your post Jake and sure I am using tutorials for learning PHP and if i get another query in my mind then i will ask from you masters again.


My preference is Eclipse PDT, simply because it has a more comfortable feel to it.

Off Topic:

Yes, I just compared an IDE with a sofa :smiley:

I use Wamp server on my localhost simply because I only use Linux development servers, so the process of manually installing PHP, Apache etc on windows has no appeal to me whatsoever.

The most popular database for PHP connectivity is, by far, MySQL. I wouldn’t recommend any other database system simply because I haven’t used another, other than ODBC (which is a fairly horrible process compared with the simplicity of MySQL)

The best advice I can give is to use tutorials at first, but don’t copy their code; rather, see what they’ve done and type it out yourself, in your own way. Also, never TOUCH DreamWeaver’s PHP generator. It’s almost as bad as using DreamWeaver’s design-view for building websites - sure, it’d work, but it generally spits out unsemantic, bloated code.

If you want to install PHP on a windows machine, take a look at WAMP server.

You can code in PHP with notebook if you want to, but an editor with color coded syntax is very helpful. I use PSPad Editor, but there are many more.

Yes you are very right jake i was search and get some stuff but get confused because different material different style to teach but I was get better tutorial from w3shcools websites but problem is that I am practicing online at website but need to now how do i build a program at my personal PC with which IDE is Dreamweaver can i use to build and run a PHP program and is there any different code for server site coding like Servlet in Java etc. the queries of mine.

You can find all of this out with something you’re very familiar with - search engines!!!

The topics you have requested are far too large to answer on a forum.