Video Hosting Account

Does anyone have any good recommendations for hosting companies that offer regular linux/unix hosting and video streaming on the same account?

I am making an educational video site that will require payment to view the videos, so to start there will probably be about 6 hours worth of videos watched about 100 times a month. Unfortunately, I have not created the videos yet, so I do not for sure the size of the files, so I am not sure if you can estimate what hosting will be sufficient just by the length of the videos and the number of views.

I want a flexible hosting account so if I need more bandwidth for more video streaming I can grow into it.

Let me know if this is such a small amount of bandwidth that I do not need anything special.

Thanks in advance for any advice or recommendations you can give.

Will the 6 hours of video be in one single file? Or will it be split up into several/ many smaller files? As you’re expecting around 100 viewers a month, a simple hosting package might suffice, if your video player can simply download the video (as opposed to streaming it).

And, you could always look into uploading the videos to YouTube… :slight_smile:
It’s free, and you can ‘hide’ your videos from YouTube’s search facility if needed.

Have you considered some file hosts? Perhaps the best way to get a password protected system and hosting all at once.
If you must have the files hosted “in-house” then I recommend a solid VPS since you’ll be streaming.

The videos will be broken up into many shorter ones, probably 5 - 10 minutes each.

Not all video hosts break up the video content. As long as you aren’t hosting copyrighted material, they should remain on the hosting sites in their full length.

Id go with vps hosting, that seems to handle the load of videos alot more.