Variable variables


I have some inputs in my CodeIgniter view file that I would like to set from the DB. Here’s an example section that creates the first input in the form:

		$user_name = array(
				  'name'        => 'article[name]',
				  'id'          => 'name',
				  'value'       => set_value('article[name]', $article->name),
				  'maxlength'   => '255',
				  'size'        => '50',
				  'style'       => 'width:100%',

		echo form_label('Name: *', $user_name['name']).br();
		echo form_input($user_name).br();
		echo form_error($user_name['name']).br();

If I wanted to put the above code in a loop, and change the “$user_name” and “name” in each iteration, how can I achieve this? Variable variables i think?

Maybe this would work :

function displayForm($dataArr, $label) {
        echo form_label($label . ': *', $dataArr['name']).br(); 
        echo form_input($dataArr).br(); 
        echo form_error($dataArr['name']).br(); 

I think you are asking for something like this:

foreach ($users as $user) {
   echo form_label('Name: *', $user['name']).br(); 
   echo form_input($user).br(); 
   echo form_error($user['name']).br(); 

Where $users would be assigned to an array of values similar to what you have assigned to $user_name on your initial post.

There’s the label “Name:” that will always be the same in your “foreach loop”. I think that he wants to change the array and that label? It’s not clear if the OP wants to change the field completely or just have a bunch of fields named “name”?

Anyway, you could still do it with a method like:

function displayFormField($dataArr) {
        if (empty($dataArr['size'])) {
              $dataArr['size'] = '50';


        echo form_label($dataArr['label'] . ': *', $dataArr['name']).br(); 
        echo form_input($dataArr).br(); 
        echo form_error($dataArr['name']).br(); 

$allArrData[0] = array( 
                  'name'        => 'article[name]', 
                  'label'    => 'Name:',
                  'id'          => 'name', 
                  'value'       => set_value('article[name]', $article->name), 
                  'maxlength'   => '255', 
                  'size'        => '50', 
                  'style'       => 'width:100%', 

$allArrData[1] = array( 
                  'name'        => 'article[name2]', 
                  'label'    => 'Name2:',
                  'id'          => 'name2', 
                  'value'       => set_value('article[name2]', $article->name2), 
                  'maxlength'   => '255', 
                  'size'        => '50', 
                  'style'       => 'width:100%', 

foreach ($allArrdata as $arrData) {