Using 'OR' PDO query

Hi, sorry moving from mysqli…erm, what can i do to get this work?

$opt1 = $pdo->query("SELECT FROM menu1 WHERE ( = 'x' OR = 'y' OR = 'z'" );

(values specified, rather than string)

There seems nothing wrong with that query. Otherwise please explain what your problem is.

You are missing a closing bracket in the query string.

Ah, thanks…well spotted!, i thought there was an issue with the PDO query, as apposed to dumb ass omission :slight_smile:

The actual query strings are no different with PDO.
Alternatively you could use an IN clause for this.

"SELECT FROM menu1 WHERE IN ('x', 'y', 'z')"

That did cause a MySQL error. If you had PDO’s error reporting enabled, you would have seen this issue immediately.


How to do it:

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