I have about 100 files where I have to remove lines like
<a class="one-eight-nine-a jqeasytooltip" href="location_room_189A.html" data-tiptheme="tipthemeblack" data-tipcontent='Room #189A'><span class="s15"></span><span class="s16"></span></a>
the content changes slightly to others like
<a class="one-eight-eight jqeasytooltip" href="location_room_188.html" data-tiptheme="tipthemeblack" data-tipcontent='Room #188'></a>
So im wondering if I can use the find in files tool like
<a class="\*" href="location_room\*" data-tiptheme="tipthemeblack" data-tipcontent='\*'></a>
to account for wildcards (what search mode should I use?)