I dont understand why tihs query

SELECT COUNT(*) As total_records FROM devices WHERE enabled = 1

results in

But if I add a JOIN

SELECT device_id,name,devices.manufacturer,devices.model,type,devices.created_date,title,room_id,row,bay,devices.rack_id FROM devices INNER JOIN racks ON devices.rack_id = racks.rack_id WHERE devices.enabled = 1 LIMIT 0, 25

to line up the devices with a rack_id, the result is

I don’t understand the disparity as each device has a rack_Id of 1-8. and tbe racks table is

You limited the second query to only returning 25 rows. What disparity are you pointing at other than the one you coded into the query?


Oh dang, forgot the limit clause, when I take it out, the thi \ng wprks great

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