Use a function to set array

After it’s possible to load site settings into a Yoast function. I want to write a function so you only have to give a type and a key to load data (using a class) but I do not know if its exactly the right way :slight_smile: .

I have written a function called getOrganizationData(‘@type’, ‘type’), that I want to set an array like this: $data['@type'] = $this->siteSettings->get('type');. But with a check the record actual excists

class ChangeSeo

    public function __construct()


    public function update()

        add_filter('wpseo_schema_organization', [$this, 'changeOrganizationData']);


    public function changeOrganizationData($data)

        $this->getOrganizationData('@type', 'type');
        $data['@type'] = $this->siteSettings->get('type');

        $data['address'] = [
            '@type' => 'PostalAddress',
            'addressLocality' =>
                '{{ Plaats }} , {{ LAND }}',
            'streetAddress' => '{{ Straat }}',
        $data['sameAs'] = [

        return $data;

    public function getOrganizationData($type, $key)

            $data[$type] = $this->siteSettings->get($key);
            return $data[$type];

        return false;


    static function singleton()
        static $instance = null;
        if ($instance === null) {
            $instance = new ChangeSeo();
        return $instance;


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