Use a db to create a dynamic SVG

I am, wondering if this would be possible?

have about 300 racks and have been asked with making a SVG out of em all
I noticed that all the racks either have 40,41,42,43,44,45 slots
and also not each rack has the same attributes
I think can us that and create a table

create table racks (
   location VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL,
   elevation VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL,
   cabinet VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL,
   power_panel VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL,
   circuit_breaker VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL,
   number_of_slots INT NOT NULL,
   PRIMARY KEY ( rack_id )

to hold all my racks
Then because only certain spaces would be taken up on each rack, can I use his stable to hel the utilized spaces inside each rack?

create table rack_slots (
   rack_id VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL,
   slot_number_range INT NOT NULL,
   devic VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL,
   PRIMARY KEY ( rack_slot_id ),
   FOREIGN KEY ( rack_id )
then I can use INSERT statements to create the racks and fll the slots up
Then should I us a SELECT query to display all he racks?
I created a different template for the 6 different size of racks which would depend  on the number_of_slots record for each record in the racks table.Am I setting this up right?

Well other than that I donā€™t think a single INT is sufficient to define ā€˜slot_number_rangeā€™, and you should probably spell ā€˜deviceā€™ correctly, sure.

rack_slot_id is technically an unnecessary artificial key (there exists a natural composite key (rack_id,slot_number_range), but its effectiveness is dependant on use case I suppose.

1 Like

ok, made a few corrections to the tables

create table racks (
   location VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL,
   elevation VARCHAR(100) NULL,
   title VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL,
   power_panel VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL,
   circuit_breaker VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL,
   number_of_slots INT NOT NULL,
   PRIMARY KEY ( rack_id )

create table rack_slots (
   rack_id INT NOT NULL,
   beginning_slot INT NOT NULL,
   ending_slot INT NOT NULL,
   device VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL,
   FOREIGN KEY ( rack_id )

I corrected my typo, got rid of the unnecessary PK, and got rid of the range thing and instead went with a beginning and end value which will be numbers.
I think alls good so can I start populating the tables like

INSERT INTO racks ( location, elevation, title, power_panel, circuit_breaker, number_of_slots) VALUES ( 'Server Room', '255-A', 'Cabinet 3', '2', '4', 45 );


INSERT INTO rack_slots ( rack_id, beginning_slot, ending_slot, device) VALUES ( 1, 4, 9, 'A Device');

It should be noted that you should still define a PK, although it can be a composite natural one.

Depending on your database engine, something along the lines of

ALTER TABLE rack_slots ADD PRIMARY KEY (rack_id,beginning_slot)

ok, think I got some of the code down,
I created the 2 tables and inserted 1 record into each.

But as a test, I want to create 1 rack

$servername = "";
$username = "";
$password = "";
$dbname = "racks";

// Create connection
$conn = new mysqli($servername, $username, $password, $dbname);
// Check connection
if ($conn->connect_error) {
    die("Connection failed: " . $conn->connect_error);
} ?>
$rack_id = $_GET['id'];
$sql = "SELECT number_of_slots, location, elevation, title, circuit_breaker, power_panel FROM racks WHERE rack_id = ".$rack_id;
$result = $conn  ->query($sql);
if ($result->num_rows > 0) {
    // output data of each row
    while($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
        echo $row["location"]. ", " . $row["elevation"]. ", " . $row["circuit_breaker"]. ", " . $row["title"]. ", " . $row["power_panel"]. ", " . $row["number_of_slots"]. "<br>";

switch ($row['number_of_slots']) {
	case 45:
		$myfile = fopen("templates/45_slot.svg", "a") or die("Unable to open file!");
		echo fread($myfile,filesize("templates/45_slot.svg"));
	case 44:
		echo"Use 44 rack templarte";
	case 43:
		echo"Use 43 rack templarte";
	case 42:
		echo"Use 42 rack templarte";
	case 41:
		echo"Use 41 rack templarte";
	case 40:
		echo"Use 40 rack templarte";
		echo 'WTF?';
} else {
    echo "0 results";

The template exists,
why is it not shown?

I notice that ifI simply include it, the svg appears,

	case 45:
		$myfile = fopen("templates/45_slot.svg", "a") or die("Unable to open file!");
How do I copy/rename the SVG, then add links or slots from the rack_slots table?

am getting this warning

didnā€™t I use copy correctly?

	case 45:
		$my_file = "templates/45_slot.svg";
		copy($my_file, '../racks/cabinet_'.$rack_id.'.svg');
		echo $my_file.' => ../racks/cabinet_'.$rack_id.'.svg';

The error states there is no file with that name.

Is the count range 0ā€¦44 and 45 is out of range?

no,the count is only 40-45 so 6 possible values
Im simply trying to create a SVG, which should be an exact copy of
and place it in a separate directory (I figure Id need to create the file first

$my_new_file = fopen('../racks/cabinet_'.$rack_id.'.svg', "w") or die("Unable to open file!");

But does;t that create a file and allow it to be written to, cause,
Cause the next step would be adding some links to the newly created SVG

The error also states ā€œor directoryā€. Does the directory exist?

I usually try writing to the same directory and if that works then expand the path.

Does the desired directory have write permissions set to 0777?

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that was it, changed the permissions

Now that I have a blank file,
Hop do I copy whats in the template file to it so I can start adding links?

Please supply more information:

  1. ā€œwhats in the template fileā€ - please tell us

  2. ā€œto itā€ - what is it?

  3. ā€œadding linksā€ - to what?

  4. have you enabled delare(string_types=1);, error_reporting(-1);, ini_set(ā€˜display_errorsā€™, ā€˜trueā€™);

  5. any errors or warnings?

  6. what have you tried?

my bad

  1. The template file,

  2. copy it to the file we just created

  3. Id like to add links inside the new SVG so I can fill some of the slots in the rack

  4. I dont even know how to edit the SVG so I can add links inside using php
    I was thinking, can I create (instead of a SVG file, a PHP file
    Then edit that, is there a way to save the code outputted in the php file to a SVG file?

ok, I copied the fie and gave it a
PHP extension

$svg = show_source('racks/cabinet_'.$rack_id.'.php');
echo $svg;	

Iā€™m sshowing the markup of the file that was createdā€¦
Now to add the links, Iā€™l l use PHP to do this, but how do I add them just after the second


(just before all the
Then, how do I save the file to give it a .svg extension? rename()

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