Unknown error: Element is not clickable at point (1002, 204). Other element would receive the click


I am doing some simple tet but last step did not work…
slelectors are correct, but sth is wrong

Popup is showed, because action before last one worked and is made on the same popup (set value to the field)

I am not able to click on the button
I got error:
unknown error: Element is not clickable at point (1002, 204). Other element would receive the click

I am using webdriverio+mocha+chai+js to test

ResetButton: {
    get: () => {
        return browser.element('.btn-medium.secondary.pull-right');

and in another file i got:


this test without “reset.ResetButton.click();” works…

Could you help me with this?
I tried also “wait” command but does not help (but i think is not needed if 2 actions are made on the same command, and he first was done… by webdriver )

I don’t think we have enough information to help you solve this. But you might find this useful:

Now I know that 2 buttons have the same class so because of this does not work:(
how can I locate this?
How can I locate element in selenium with parent/child? do you have some good explanation?

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