In fact, unhappy with everything… but one thing at a time.
i wonder if you could give me some advice on how to change heading (font, colours, etc) to make it more catching and professional…without changing the basic format, for the time being.
In fact, unhappy with everything… but one thing at a time.
i wonder if you could give me some advice on how to change heading (font, colours, etc) to make it more catching and professional…without changing the basic format, for the time being.
so a couple of things i’d do…
I’d lose the time/clock as i’m not sure it really adds anything, pretty much every computer has a clock and is there a reason i need to know the time to use your site?
Have a look at google fonts. You can link to these and use some more interesting fonts than arial. Don’t go nuts, try and pick a combination of fonts that work with your audience. Google fonts has a bit that shows you common combinations.
Sharpen up your images. Both the logo and the world map are a little fuzzy and old school. If someone sees that they will think well if they can’t be bothered to get that right why would i trust this site.
Consider rewriting your intro whilst thinking about the user. So at the moment you start your intro with the word ‘despite…’ Is that the best opening sentence? I’m not a copyrighter but you might think of putting one of the lower sentences first ‘looking for a hotel with facilities and service that you can trust?..’
By changing that round you are posing a question to which the answer is always going to be yes. No-one wants a hotel they can’t trust. Now you have to tell the user how you are going to get them that, you can still include the parts you have but in a slightly different order. Try and get into a users mindset. They have probably just viewed a bunch of websites so you won’t have a lot of time to talk about things they will want facts and quickly and clear pointers to actions e.g. good headings like ‘Find a hotel’. At the moment if you skim read that page nothing really stands out. I miss the bit about clicking on the map.
I hope thats useful
Hi Noppy
many thanks for the advice
Well, here is exactly what i was looking for help, as I am absolutely useless at choosing fonts. I’ve tried a load of google fonts without much success. i wanted something more catching, but what…
I will start working on this. I see and agree with your points. Thanks
There are loads of sites out there that do this kind of thing, including Pinterest, which I can’t access from work. Try this one as a starter for 10 though.
So (i am not font expert so this is just my simple thoughts)… having a quick look at your site i notice that most of the places you have on the map are exotic type places (i live in the UK so most places are exotic to me ) so if i was a user looking to go to india i’d be in more of a mindset of a style that was more free flowing rather than a city break in Berlin where it might be looking for a more cutting edge technical style.
This might not be the best but i quite liked ‘Zeyada’ and it pairs well with ‘Open Sans’ quite well. If you do the markup correctly you should be able to swap it in and out quite quick and try different styles.
Thank you both
I’ll get cracking on these fonts and see what they look like.
Obviously, you’ve never been to Southend-on-Sea!!!
That’s one thing you can definitely do with Google. Change the <link>
attribute in your HTML, amend the font names in your CSS, check the results.
I’m from the UK too, so fancy font styles are not my norm either. That said, and where I’m sitting at the moment, I did find an Arabic looking script for the header of my blog, though I’ve yet to finish off the re-skin, so can’t show you the finished result yet.
Do you think this is better than
ans should I get rid of the blue background colour and line underneath?
Nobody answered, so I opted for the new option
My question now: is it good practice to mix a serif heading with everything else being sans serif?
probably still not different enough for my liking, but it does come down to personal preference. My designer friend does tend to raise an eyebrow at my desire for crazy fonts
I think mixing them is a good thing (if you look on google fonts there is a ‘pairing’ button that shows what each font is commonly paired with). But as you say keep headings in one and text in the other.
Hi, thanks
What do you think of the blue background to the heading, and the line underneath?
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